Saturday, July 25, 2009


Smart objects are physical objects with a unique identifier used to track information about the object. They aware of themselves, their origin, their owners, their capabilities and their exact location. They can report their current state – half/full or recently used/ rarely used/not used or update their current status. Radio frequency identification tag (RFID), Passport Tracking and Quick Response (QR) codes all support the smart objects technologies.

Smart objects are technologies that link the virtual world with the real world can be embedded in house hold appliances, like the coffee pot telling you about the weather as you pour your coffee. They can also be used to digitally manage things and track them throughout their lifetime. They can sense and communicate with other smart objects.

Smart objects have been used in the industry but not much in academia. There is an opportunity here, like in archeology for researchers tagging an archeological dig. Researchers in healthcare testing and tracking patients, on oncologists injecting a smart object into tumours to report doses of radiation received, or for the average person to track their physical activites.

1 comment:

  1. Touchatag offers a smart object configuration system. You associate a tag with an application and add the RFID tag to your object. Their example shows a coffee mug opening a website when the mug rests on the reader and a smart business card.

    They posted a demo video on their blog at
